Tacis CBC Action Programme 2003 Project EuropeAid/120944/C/SV/UA - Technical Assistance for the Lower Dniester River Basin Management Planning
Summer expedition 2007 (15-22 June)
Summer expedition was organised on the territory of future national park "Nizhnednestrovsky" (lower part of Dniestr river, SW Ukraine) with participation of several biologists: herpetologist (Yu. V. Karmishev), botanist (Nazarchuk Yu.S.) and entomologists (Suchkov S.I. and Dyatlova E.S.). In field trips two students of Odessa National University, department of Botany also participated. During faunistic investigations special consideration was given to the description of botanic communities in the habitats of rare species.
During expedition original data on distribution of 16 species and one subspecies of Odonata were obtained. Among them 5 species and 1 subspecies have not been observed during spring expedition.
Two species from the Red Book of Ukraine (1994) were recorded in the new localities (Erythromma lindenii and Anax imperator).
The rare species in Ukraine Libellula fulva and southern subspecies Orthetrum coerulescens anceps were recorded. Also records of Gomphus flavipes are interesting as the species is protected on European level (FFH directive).
Lower Dniest river, between villages Mayaki and Palanka. SW Ukraine, Odessa province. Photo by Yu. Karmishev, June 2007
Northern bank of Dniestrovsky liman, SW Ukraine, Odessa province. Photo by Yu. Karmishev, June 2007
Northern bank of Dniestrovsky liman, SW Ukraine, Odessa province. Locality were Erythromma lindenii (species protected on the national level in Ukraine) was recorded. Photo by Elena Dyatlova, June 2007.
Material prepared by Elena Dyatlova