Erythromma lindenii - Стрелка Линдена - Стрілка Ліндена
For the key species old (before 1990) and recent (after 1990) records are given on the distribution maps using different symbols (triangles - old records, circles - recent records).
Red list status or Habitat Directive status: Red Book of Ukraine (1994), I status of conservation
Distribution: Recorded in the basins of Danube, Dniestr, Dniepr rivers, quite rare, but sometimes locally common
Habitat: Larger, well-oxygenated waters, including lakes, gravel pits, slow-flowing rivers and wide canals, with rich aquatic vegetation such as water-milfoil (Myriophyllum) (Dijkstra, 2006). In the SW Ukraine recorded from lakes and large slow-flowing rivers.
Flight period in the SW Ukraine: Beginning of June – Beginning of August