Elena Dyatlova and Alexandr Martynov - expedition on important dragonflies areas in the South-Western Ukraine (July 2007)
Alexandr Martynov is studying for several years fauna and ecology of Odonata in the South-Eastern Ukraine. His observations improved our knowledge about poorly studied areas, he also discovered new Odonata species for the region. In spring 2007 we organized an expedition in order to collect new data on the important dragonflies areas in the South-Western Ukraine. The following territories were investigated: lower Dniestr river, upper and lower part of Sasyk lake, Shagany-Alibei-Burnas Lakes System area, Kinburn peninsular, parks of Odessa, etc. During this expeditions the most interesting records were Erythromma lindenii and Anax ephippiger in new localities.
Alexandr Martynov, lower Dniestr river (Odessa province, Ukraine)
Elena Dyatlova and Alexandr Martynov on Dneprovsky liman, crossing from Ochakov to Kinburn peninsular (Nikolaev province, Ukraine)
Piny afforestation on Kinburn peninsular, Yagorlytsky bay, surroundings of Pokrovka village (Nikolaev province, Ukraine)
The text by Elena Dyatlova