Dniepr river delta
Description of the area
The River Dniepr is the third largest river in Europe. In the territory of the Kherson province it splits into several branches all ending in the Dnieprovski liman (lagoon). At is broadest point the river is 410-815 m wide and 7 to 12 m deep. The flow velocity is 0,1-0,3 m/sec (Physical geography of Ukraine, 2003).
Management of the area
The area is partly governmental and partly private property. In the wetlands the usage of nature resources is limited and controlled (hunting, fishery, grazing, send extraction, mowing, recreation, transportation by water). The areas surrounding the wetlands are also used for viticulture, irrigation and more intensive agriculture.
The main threat is caused by a series of dams, which divide the Dnieprovski lagoon into separate reservoirs. Other threats are pollution of wetlands, degradation of irrigated agricultural lands and rice fields, regulation and modification of the river. Among potential threats are degradation of biotopes as a result of agricultural activities and a increasing pressure of grazing by cattle.
The territory belongs to a Ramsar site (Dnipro River Delta). In the selected area many small reservations exist, which are administered by societies of fishery and hunting and ichtiological special nature reserve УChervona ChatkaФ (Wetlands of Ukraine, 2006).
Value for dragonflies
L. macrostigma is a species of European concern, it was registered as a very numerous species for the Dniepr delta in Kherson over 100 years ago (Brauner, 1902). In 2005 it was found to be very numerous in the surroundings of RybalТche village (saga). Mass emergence of adults and oviposition was observed (Matushkina, 2007). Erythromma lindenii is protected on National Level in Ukraine (Red book, 1994), it was registered for the Dnieper Delta, Konka river, Belogrudyj island, near Golaya PristanТ city, Staraya ZburТevka village (mass oviposition was registered) (Dyatlova, 2006) and in the surroundings of RybalТche village (saga) (Matushkina, 2006). In 2007 the first and only record of Cordulia aenea was made in the Dniepr Delta. It was recorded flying along the bank of the Delta part of a Dniepr river, Golaya Pristan' vicinity, left bank of Konka river. The reed vegetation in that area is very patchy. 30 to 40 meters from the bank of the river an overflow areas with small reservoirs is situated. This area might be the actual habitat of the species (Dyatlova, 2007). Gomphus flavipes (a species of European concern) and Sympetrum depressiusculum (rare species in the study area) are known only from old records (Brauner, 1902; Collection of Zoological Museum of Odessa University). The area is with a total of 35 species very rich in dragonflies (see map of the areas with high biodiversity of Odonata).
Advice for management
The water quality control is important in the area.
Lower Dniepr Delta, left bank of Konka river. Habitat of C. aenea. Photo M. Son